Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Padre Pio's Gift of Perfume

As a continuation of what I told you last week that my dear friend Dorothy Gaudiose wrote about St. Padre Pio, here is what she said about his gift of perfume. (She worked for him in Italy for three years, wrote two books about him published by Alba House, and was a dear friend of mine.)

"There emanated from Padre Pio, from his stigmatized hands or even his clothes or objects touched by him," said Dorothy, "a sweet perfume that reminded you of a combination of roses, violets, and lilies; other times of an odor of carbolic acid or a disinfectant. It occurred when someone was near or even at a great distance or when you had been thinking of Padre Pio or speaking of him. It indicated his presence or was a sign of some grace bestowed by God through his intercession."

Since St. Padre Pio can still receive your prayers and intercede for you with Jesus, why don't you take your concerns to him and ask him to do what he can for you? Don't be surprised if you receive the consolation of a sweet odor that seems to have no origin. In the meantime, dear friend, "Pray, hope, and don't worry," as St. Padre Pio always said.

Next week I'll tell you about his gifts of conversion and bilocation.

Friday, January 21, 2011

You Can Count on God's Promises

I am going to share just a few thoughts from St. Padre Pio that I believe would most help you today.

St. Padre Pio knew Scripture so well, it was implanted by the Holy Spirit in his heart and soul. Padre Pio always trusted God's promises in Scripture. For example, often he would quote the verse that says that "God will not test you beyond that which you are able to bear but will, with the testing, also provide a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it." (1 Corinthians 10:13 paraphrased)

Padre Pio always believed this Scripture too: "When I am weak, Christ is strong in me." (2 Corinthians 12:9-10 paraphrased)

And, Padre Pio believed Philippians 4:13: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

You, too, my friend, can claim those same promises. Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

She Who Knew Padre Pio

My dear friend Dorothy M. Gaudiose knew Saint Padre Pio and worked for him at his monastery in Italy for three years. She wrote two books and also gave many talks around the country about Padre Pio. She says the following in a little pamphlet she wrote, (I have her written permission to use any and all of it):

"Before I give you a brief summary of Padre Pio's life," w

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Name of Jesus

According to Saint Padre Pio who bore the five ever-bleeding wounds of Christ Crucified for fifty years--yes, 50 years--the name of Jesus is the most powerful in all eternity.

"The eternal Father decreed that all creatures should be subject to Him: that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth. [Philippians 2:10] This is what the apostle tells us and this is true," says St. Padre Pio. "Jesus is adored in heaven, and at this divine name," he continues, "moved by gratitude and love, the blessed in heaven never cease to repeat what St. John the Evangelist beheld in a vision: They sang a new song, he says, saying 'worthy art Thou, O Lord, to take the scroll and to open its seals, for Thou wast slain and by the blood didst ransom people for God' [Revelation 5:9]

"This most holy name," says St. Padre Pio, "is venerated on earth; and all the graces for which we ask, in Jesus' name, are fully granted by the eternal Father: Whatever you ask in My name, the divine Master tells us, I will do it. [John 14:13-14]"

Therefore, my friend in Christ, what are you waiting for? Ask our heavenly Father for what you need--but ask for it "in Jesus' name," and believe that you will receive it. Believe. As St. Padre Pio always said, "Pray, hope, and don't worry."

Don't worry, my dear friend. Jesus is with you and He loves you. I do too.

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Gift of Perfume Shared by Many Saints, Including St. Padre Pio

When my daughter-in-law Jill Bertanzetti and I were attending a Saint Padre Pio convention in New Jersey, suddenly she smelled the aroma of flowers, but none were in sight. No one was near her wearing perfume. She said it was Padre Pio telling her that he had heard her prayers and that he was going to intercede with Jesus for her. Now, let my dear friend Dorothy Gaudiose tell you more about the "gift of perfume" shared by many of the Saints, including St. Padre Pio:

"In the history of the Saints, a perfumed odor is not new," says Dorothy in her book Prophet of the People. "St. Dominic's hands gave off a perfume when people kissed them, and St. Helena had the gift of perfume when she received Holy Communion. Some Saints' bodies gave the perfumed odor after death, such as in the cases of St. Coletta and St. Martin de Pores."

Dorothy Gaudiose worked for Saint Padre Pio in his monastery in Italy for three years, and she said that his "gift of perfume," if you were blessed to experience it after asking for his intercession, was meant to encourage you, or to focus your intention on some immediate danger, or to remind you of his presence, or to encourage you to ask for his advice and guidance. What my daughter-in-law Jill experienced, you can experience, too, my dear friend. Just say a little prayer to Padre Pio and ask for his help. Perhaps today, perhaps tomorrow, you will smell a sweet scent that seems to have no nearby origin. Know that St. Padre Pio has heard your prayers and is going to intercede for you.

In the meantime, dear friend, remember what he always said: "Pray, hope, and don't worry." Amen!

P.S. Dorothy was a personal friend of mine for years before her death. She was instrumental in getting me to write my first book about Padre Pio, which was subsequently published by Pauline Books & Media. Then I went on to write books about Padre Pio for Our Sunday Visitor and also for The Word Amond Us Press. You see, St. Padre Pio and his friends, like Dorothy, can help you too. They are so much closer to the Source of Life now that they are in Heaven.

May God richly bless you, my dear friend. Amen!
