Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A True Bilocation Story About Saint Padre Pio

In 1958, in his book Padre Pio: A City On a Mountain, Pascal P. Parente (STD, PhD, JCB, Professor of Ascetical and Mystical Theology at the Catholic University of America) told a true story about Padre Pio and his gift of bilocation, the ability to be in more than one place at one time. Today I’d like to share that true story with you.

“The late Monsignor D’Indico of Florence,” wrote Pascal Parente, “reported that his sister was dying of typhus, despite the best of medical care. On July 20, 1921, she was in a coma. The Monsignor was alone in his office when suddenly he felt that someone was standing behind him. He looked around and saw a friar who suddenly disappeared.”

According to Pascal Parente, the Monsignor left his office, and when he spotted one of his chaplains, he told him immediately about his strange experience of feeling as if someone—and invisible someone—were standing behind him in his office. The chaplain told the Monsignor that he had hallucinated all of it because of his great concern about his dying sister. But later the two men went together to visit the Monsignor’s sister and, to their surprise, found the woman no longer in a coma! In fact, she was totally out of any danger of dying.

“Even more surprising,” wrote Pascal Parente, “the Monsignor’s sister, from her hospital bed, told them that a friar, Saint Padre Pio, had come into her room and spoken to her [before she started to suddenly get well].”

Padre Pio, transported in spirit by God’s Holy Spirit, had entered the woman’s hospital room and told her not to be afraid. “Your fever will disappear tomorrow,” he said, “and in a few days no trace of your sickness will be left.”

According to Pascal Parente, the woman said to Padre Pio, “But Father, you must be a saint!”

“No,” he replied, “I am a creature whom the Lord uses for His mercies.”

The woman asked Padre Pio if she could kiss his brown Capuchin habit. But he told her to, instead, kiss the bleeding wounds on his hands, because they were the “marks of the Passion” of Christ Crucified. (Padre Pio bore the five ever-bleeding wounds of Christ Crucified in his hands, feet, and side for fifty long years!) After the woman kissed his hands, he blessed her.

The next day the woman felt completely well, and a week later she was “completely cured,” according to Pascal Parente.

Do you or someone you love need a healing today, my dear friend in Christ? Please turn to Saint Padre Pio and tell him of your needs. Pour out your heart to him. He will indeed hear you and do whatever he can for you. Now, in Heaven, he is closer than ever to the Source of Life, the Ruler of All Nature, Christ Our Lord and Savior. If, after you ask for St. Padre Pio’s intercession, you smell a sweet odor that seems to have no natural source, know that it is a sign from Padre Pio that he will answer your prayers in one way or another. “All things work together for the good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purposes.” Everything, my friend. Everything.

I love you,
Eileen Dunn Bertanzetti

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Saint Padre Pio's Mysterious Handprint on the Window

Today I'd like to share a true story with you from Father Alessio Parente's book titled Padre Pio: Our Good Samaritan. Father Alessio was one of Saint Padre Pio's fellow monks at the monastery in San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, and was also a dear friend and "bodyguard" of Padre Pio during the Padre's last years. I corresponded with Father Alessio and have enjoyed his many books about Padre Pio. Now, from his Padre Pio: Our Good Samaritan, I bring you the following true story:

“In July, 1957, Father Placido of San Marco in Lamis, Italy, a friend of Padre Pio’s from his novitiate and student days, was urgently hospitalized, in Foggia, near the monastery. Father Placido had an acute form of cirrhosis of the liver. His condition deteriorated, despite medical treatment. One night, Father Placido saw Padre Pio [in spirit, because Padre Pio never physically left the monastery, so Jesus had to very often transport him in spirit to get to people God wanted Padre Pio to help—that gift is called ‘bilocation’]. That night Padre Pio appeared beside Father Placido’s hospital bed, speaking to him, urging him to have patience; comforting him and assuring him of his recovery. Then Placido saw Padre Pio go towards the window of the hospital room, place his hand on the glass, and disappear.

“In the morning when Fr. Placido woke up,” continued Fr. Alessio Parente, “he felt better; he remembered the welcome visit of the night before and now looked toward the window. He was surprised to see the mark of a hand on the glass. He got out of bed and approached the window to examine the mark carefully, close up. He recognized Padre Pio’s handprint [because Padre Pio bore the ever-bleeding wounds of Christ for fifty years in his hands, feet, and side]. Fr. Placido was then convinced that Padre Pio’s visit had not been a dream, but reality. He told the whole story to the nuns, the nurses, and the hospital staff.

“The news spread throughout the city, and immediately there was a rush of friends and people to the hospital to see the mark of Padre Pio’s hands.” (A true story from Fr. Alessio Parente, OFM Capuchin’s Padre Pio: Our Good Samaritan.)

The above story is only one example of the many wonderful things God did through St. Padre Pio—and continues to do through St. Padre Pio. Do you need a healing or a blessing of any kind today? Do your loved ones have an urgent need? Please look up at St. Padre Pio, because he’s there, waiting to intercede for you with Jesus. Our Saint is so close now to the Source of Life, the Great Physician, the Ruler of All Nature, now that Padre Pio is in Heaven. Turn to him. He’ll do what he can for you, my friend.

With love and prayer for you,
Eileen Dunn Bertanzetti

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Those Who Knew St. Padre Pio

From my dear friend Dorothy Gaudiose who worked for St. Padre Pio for three years in Italy, I "inherited" hundreds of books, now out of print, about Padre Pio. (From those books I’ve been able to write many of my own books about Padre Pio—by God’s grace working through Padre Pio’s intercession—and get them published by Our Sunday Visitor, The Word Among Us Press, and Pauline Books & Media. Of course I’ve had the faithful help of my Holy Guardian Angel and Our Lady, too. You can find more about my books and publishers online at my Facebook page, blog, and website.) I'm always thrilled to find personal accounts of people who actually knew St. Padre Pio. Right now I have with me a little book by Lina Pancaro, titled "Padre Pio As I Knew Him." Let me share a few tidbits from her book with you today.

One day Lina and her friend were on their way up the mountain in Southern Italy toward Padre Pio's church, Santa Maria delle Grazie. "We passed the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza (Home for the Relief of Suffering)," wrote Lina, "a grandioso edifice erected stone upon stone. [The hospital was a result totally of St. Padre Pio's brave idea and promotional work on its behalf.] I should stress," continued Lina, "that all building material was brought to the abandoned mountain by mules on the then-dirt road, miles and miles from Foggia [the nearest town]. The sight of this beautiful hospital was truly like a mirage in the desert: the miracle of a poor, humble monk, the Stigmatist, Padre Pio. One really wonders how so much material could have been brought up, tons and tons of it, all by man and beast. This, too, I thought to myself, was a miracle.

"The tiny Church was already half filled with people, the early comers, and Padre Pio was hearing confessions. The altar of Saint Francis of Assisi had been tastefully decorated with flowers, beautiful ones sent from faraway places by the many devotees of Padre Pio. The church was ablaze with candles—and made all present so happy. The noon hour soon approached and we were told to quickly get into the little corridor, where Padre Pio would come to the door and recite with us the Angelus. The door opened. I was so confused to see him standing there with the brown wool mittens over his hands [the gloves were fingertipless], to cover the Stigmata he bore. [He bore the Stigmata, the five ever-bleeding wounds of Christ Crucified, for fifty years!] We pushed toward him," said Lina, "so that we could be nearer to him and ask for his prayers and blessings. He smiled and blessed us all. The few who were in the front row reached for his hand to kiss it. Others were invoking him for prayers in their illness. Many were visibly moved and weeping. He was so happy today. Here, truly, was a man of God. A man God had sent to us bearing the wounds of Christ Jesus."

Today, my dear friend in Christ, you, too, can ask St. Padre Pio for his prayers and blessing. He is now in heaven, but ever-closer to Jesus, the Great Physician. Now St. Padre Pio can ask Our Lord for what it is that you need. Simply take your requests to Padre Pio. He'll do what he can for you. Be sure to wait with great expectation for something good to happen. And if you should happen to smell a sweet aroma that seems to have no natural source, you can be sure that it is a sign that St. Padre Pio has heard your prayer.

Have a great day! I love you.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pope Benedict XV was in favor of St. Padre Pio. He believed in the genuineness of Padre Pio's spiritual gifts, which included the stigmata (the five ever-bleeding wounds of Christ Crucified which Padre Pio bore for fifty long years); bilocation (the ability to be in more than one place at a time); prophecy; and even levitation, which was witnessed by fellow priests and monks. According to Dorothy M. Gaudiose, in her book PROPHET OF THE PEOPLE, "In 1921 Pope Benedict said to a group of lawyers, 'Padre Pio is indeed an extraordinary man. He is one of those whom God sends from time to time to convert mankind. Take on the task of making him better known. He is not appreciated as he deserves.'"

My friend Dorothy and I have worked to do exactly that by writing books about Saint Padre Pio--all by God's grace through the intercession of Padre Pio and our holy Angels and Our Lady. Dorothy worked for Padre Pio for three years at his monastery in Italy, and now here is more of what she says in her book about Pope Benedict XV and Padre Pio: "Many of the faithful shared the Pope's good sentiments about Padre Pio, but not all. One skeptic was a bishop who was a member of the pope's advisory staff. 'You've been badly informaed about Padre Pio,' he told the pope. But the pope wasn't convinced and asked him to go to San Giovanni Rotondo [the location of Padre Pio's monastery in Italy] and see the stigmatist for himself.

"The bishop arrived at the railway station," continued Dorothy, "and was greeted by two young Capuchin monks, brother monks of Padre Pio. 'Who told you that I was coming?' the bishop asked them. He was utterly amazed.

"'Padre Pio told us,' they answered.

"'This is incredible!' the bishop exclaimed. 'No one except His Holiness knew I was coming.'

"'I only know,' said one of the friars, 'that Padre Pio told us to go to the railway station and greet the bishiop who was coming to San Giovanni Rotondo, sent by the Holy Father.'

"The bishop was dumbfounded. He threw up his hands and said, 'Please tell Padre Pio that I'm not coming to see him, that I'm going to take the next train back to Rome, because if he knew of this, then he knows how bitterly I've felt about him and all the damaging things I have done against him with my tongue.'

"The Capuchins went back and told Padre Pio. He nodded, not the least surprised." (PROPHET OF THE PEOPLE, by Dorothy M. Gaudiose)

Even now, Saint Padre Pio can know exactly what you, my dear friend in Christ, are doing and what you need. He wants to help you. He can do more for you now than when he was here on earth, because now he is so much closer to the Source of Life, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Ruler of All Nature. All you have to do is speak to St. Padre Pio and tell him your needs. He really cares about you. He will do for you what he can. Just wait and see.

In the meantime, as Padre Pio always said, "Pray, hope, and don't worry."

I love you. Have a great day!
