Friday, November 27, 2009

The Face of God is Smiling on You, My Friend

When you feel unloved or lonely or depressed, think of the beautiful, shining face of God; think of Jesus smiling at you, because He surely is doing that right now, my friend, no matter how poorly you think of yourself and no matter how undeserving you think you are of His love. As Saint Faustina of the Divine Mercy said, His love is "unfathomable." And as Saint Padre Pio said, "What depths of love does His Heart not contain! His Holy Face is filled with sadness [as He feels your pain along with you] and with utter tenderness [as He smiles down upon you]. His words spring from the profoundest depths of His Heart and overflow with Love." (p. 169, The True Face of Padre Pio, by Winowski)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

What do you say to God?

Do you sometimes wonder what in the world you should say to God? Your mind is filled with worries, you are behind schedule; in fact, you have so much to do, you just find it hard to even think of God, let alone stop and talk to Him. And what would you say to Him, anyhow? Let Saint Padre Pio help you: "If you cannot speak to Him, your mind being to busy or tired, do not be too discouraged. Imitate the servants of royalty and make Him a fine courtsey. He will appreciate your presence and your silence, and on another occasion your heart will rejoice when He takes you by the hand and starts to talk to you, accompanying you through the host of avenues in His garden of prayer. . . . Thus you should never be embarassed or ask yourself, 'What shall I say to Him?' For merely by being in His presence you are performing just as useful a duty--perhaps even more useful although less in keeping with your tastes. Therefore, when you pray to God reflect that you are in the light of truth. Speak if you can and remain silent if you cannot. Show yourself to Him and have no fear." (p. 94, The True Face of Padre Pio by Winowska)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Be kind to yourself, dear friend

Dear friend, please take St. Padre Pio's words as being said directly to you: "If the mercy of God depended on what you think, all men and women would be in hell." (Letters 3, page 950). What St. Pio means is that you tend to be too hard on yourself, judging yourself as unworthy of any kindness, any compassion, any mercy, any love from God and from others. Think about what St. Pio said, "If the mercy of God depended on what you think, all men and women would be in hell." Remember that the greatest attribute of God, according to the wisdom of many saints, is mercy. God IS Mercy. God IS Love, and that mercy and love extend to you, dear friend.
