Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Be Kind to Yourself

Are you too harsh on yourself, my dear friend? Take some solid advice from Saint Padre Pio:

"You say that you pity yourself because you see yourself full of pride, with no trace of humility, always falling down and never able to stay on your feet, but all this is quite untrue. It is a snare set by the evil one to make you lose heart and to hold you up, if that were possible, on the way of love by depicting the path of perfection as too difficult for you."

"Banish these false persuasions from your mind," says Saint Padre Pio to you, my friend, "and have no fear because you have no reason to be afraid. Get rid of your conviction that evil passions are too lively in you. Listen to me; let your mind dwell as little as possible on this matter, for thoughts of this kind usually do more harm than good. They dry up our hearts rather than enkindling in them the fire of love for the Supreme Good, just as the north wind dries up our fileds. Pray, of course, and ask the heavenly Spouse never to allow this harsh northerly wind to blow over the little garden of your soul, but to deign in His compassion as Lover to send invariably the south wind which is the only one capable of awakening chaste and holy love." (Letters 2, pages 110-111)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Embracing Your Heart and Giving You Peace

Do evil influences ever annoy you, worry you, cause you to fear for your soul or for the souls of your loved ones? St. Padre Pio asks you, "Why are you so afraid of your adversary, my child? Don't you know that our good Jesus is invariably with you and that the enemy of souls has no power over those who have resolved to belong entirely to God? In reality, the more you are afraid, the safer you are; and the more tepid you feel, the more secure you are." (Letters 2, page 110)

St. Pio's words above might sound illogical to the world, but to you, who are "in this world but not of it," his words will embrace your heart and give you peace.
God bless you, my friend!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Divine Love in Your Heart

Yes, dear friend, Divine Love does dwell in your heart. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and let your heart and mind rest in that Love which embraces you. Here are St. Padre Pio's words of assurance for you:

"Be quite at peace in the meantime as regards the existence of Divine Love in your heart. Cast aside all that futile anxiety and have no fear. How could it be opssible that a soul consecrated to heavenly Love, a soul that is endeavoring with God's help to please Him, that desires and longs more and more for the waters of this Divine Love, how is it possible, I say, that this soul should lack Love? How could it be possible at the extreme hour of our life to depart from this arid cold world without yearning for God, without Divine Love? Does it not seem to you a real contradiction? . . . God in His goodness not only does not reject repentant souls but invariably goes out in search of the obstinate ones. Come now, I beg you in our most tender Jesus not to yield to this fear of not loving God, for to me it seems that the enemy is trying to decieve you. I understand that nobody can worthily love God, but when a person does all he can himself and trusts in the Divine Mercy, why should Jesus reject one who is seeking Him liike this? Has He not commanded us to love God with all the strength we have? Well then, if you have given and consecrated everything you have to God, why are you afraid? Say to Jesus, as St. Augustine said: 'Give what you command and command what you will.' [Say to Jesus,] 'Do you want great love from me, Jesus? I too desire this, just as a hart longs to reach a flowing stream, but as you see I have no more love to give. Give me some more and I'll offer it to You.' Do not doubt that Jesus who is so good will accept your offer, so be at peace." (Letters 2, pages 424-425)

Yes, dear friend, be at peace, for Divine Love does indeed dwell in your heart.

Friday, March 5, 2010

You are Chosen

Don't you know, dear friend, that you are chosen by God? You might not FEEL chosen. You might be suffering sickness of mind, body, soul, finances, or family, or undergoing other trials and tribulations. You might feel as if God has discarded you, forgotten you, given up on you because sometimes you feel overwhelmed by your difficulties, perhaps even by your own weaknesses. Please take heart from Saint Padre Pio's words for you:

"The most afflicted souls," he says, "are those chosen by the Divine Heart, and you must rest assured that Jesus has chosen your soul to be the chosen-one of His adorable Heart. You must hide yourself in this Heart; you must pour out your desires in this Heart; you must live in this Heart the remaining days that Providence will grant you; you must die in this Heart when the Lord wishes. [He has] placed you in this Heart; therefore you live, are, and move in this Heart." (Letters 3, page 971)

Yes, dear friend, you are chosen!
