Tuesday, September 14, 2010

St. Padre Pio and Your Mental and Physical Health

Before he died, hundreds of times Saint Padre Pio told people that he would do more for them from Heaven, after he died, than while he was on earth. And on earth he did a lot for people--or I should say Jesus did a lot through Saint Padre Pio during the Padre's eighty-some years in San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy. Padre Pio had been given many spiritual gifts, including the gifts of bilocation (he could be in more than one place at a time), reading souls (he knew your sins before you could even confess them), healing, and even levitation. And of course, he bore the five wounds of Christ for fifty years. So my point is this, my dear friend, if you have a mental, emotional, physical, financial, or whatever problem, take it to Saint Padre Pio. He will do what he can for you, I'm sure, and will mightily intercede for you with Jesus. For a bit of encouragement for you in getting the courage to do such an act of faith, let me share this true story with you that comes from Father Alessio Parente's book, Padre Pio, Our Good Samariatan. (Father Alessio was a close friend and bodyguard of St. Pio during the Saint's last years, and I corresponded with Fr. Alessio, and I also consider him to be a Saint.)

Here is a true story related by Father Alessio, and he tells it using the words of the woman who experienced the miracle through Saint Padre Pio's intercession: "For over a year," said the woman, "I have suffered from bizarre seizures. Doctors have been unable to pinpoint the exact cause or cure. One of the manifestations of the illness is total insomnia brought on by cranial jolts, electrical shock waves, and visual flashes of white light, every time I begin to fall asleep. For months, nights on end, I would be kept awake by these shocks, not sleeping more than one hour in over ten days at one point. It was then that an aunt suggested I pray to Padre Pio for help. I prayed to Saint Padre Pio that night, in the name of God, and I haven't had a sleepless night since! Doctors were unable to treat me with sleeping pills because they made my seizures worse or disturbed my heart, but now, every night, before I even finish praying, I am already sleeping peacefully and I find that I have to finish my prayers in the morning!" (page 169 in Father Alessio's Padre Pio, Our Good Samaritan)

Now, my dear friend, I hope you will have courage to present your own troubles--and those of your loved ones--to Saint Padre Pio. He will intercede for you with Jesus. "With God, all things are possible."

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