Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Never Fear: God Truly Is Within You

Probably, my wonderful friend, whom I dearly love, it would be better if I made my weekly messages to you much shorter. You are most likely very busy. And since you are so busy, perhaps a few words from three of the Saints—including, of course, Saint Padre Pio, the famous stigmatist-priest—about taking time to rest and refresh yourself would be helpful to you?

First, these words of Saint Anselmo will help you to take a deep breath and let go of your troubles, at least for a few moments: “Come on…escape for a short time from your chores, leave your tumultuous thoughts. Put your busy activities and grave worries to one side for a moment.”

Nice words, right? But now what do you do during that brief time, after you’ve set aside your chores and worries? Saint Anselmo answers that question for you: “Wait a while for God and rest in Him. Go deep inside your soul and exclude everything except God and that which helps you search for Him, then close the door and look for God.”

Why go inside yourself to find God? Saint John of the Cross answers your question with this: “It is to be noted that Jesus, the Word of God, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, essentially and presently are hidden in the inner part of the soul. Therefore the soul which wishes to find them must retreat into itself as if all the rest didn’t exist.”

But you know how weak and sinful you can be, so you wonder how God could ever be within your soul. I totally understand; I too feel that way about myself, but in God’s great Mercy and Love for us, He chooses to dwell within us, so now take a third Saint’s word for it, Saint Padre Pio’s word: “The knowledge of your interior unworthiness and sinfulness is an extremely pure divine light by which your very being and your ability to commit any sin, without the help of grace, is placed before your consideration. That light is due to the great mercy of God and was granted to the greatest saints because it positions their souls in a place sheltered from all feelings of vanity or pride, thus strengthening humility, which is the foundation of true virtue and Christian perfection. Saint Teresa also had this knowledge….”

Please let Saint Padre Pio leave you with these consoling thoughts, my dear friend whom I love: “In conclusion, rest assured, and be happy, because God is pleased with you and finds His peaceful dwelling place within you. Temptations, discomfort, restlessness, etc., are the merchandise offered by the enemy, but you reject them, so they do no harm. Remember this: if the devil makes a din, he is still outside and not inside at all.” (St. Padre Pio’s Letters, Volume Three, pages548–550)

Never fear, my precious friend; Jesus is with you!

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